How to get Rakeback?

2 min readJan 21, 2021


What is rake in poker?

If you are playing real money online poker, you will have to pay rake. The rake is the amount you pay in each pot or tournament entry, which is collected by an online poker site. How much rake you pay is decided on a couple of factors. The First factor on Rake, are you playing cash games or tournaments?

Cash game players are generally going to pay more rake per session than tournament players because rake is collected each and every time a hand is played. For example, In a cash game, if you’re playing a hand of 1000$, you have to pay a percentage of that amount as a rake. Suppose you’re paying 10$ Rake in 1000$ hand, then you have to pay that 10$ for every hand in a cash game.

So, if you’re playing 60 hands per hour, then you’ll be paying 600$ as a Rake.

For poker tournaments, the rake is the tournament fee that you pay when signing up for a tournament. Let’s say that you are paying a $10 tournament. That is usually broken down as $9 + $1, with $1 going to the company in rake. This is collected from every player. If 1,000 players enter the tournament, that’s $1,000 in rake to the company.

In theory, if no money were added to a game, in time the rake would eventually collect every dollar on the table. Some live poker rooms have a rake that is so high that it is very difficult for players to make any money in the game. Fortunately, online poker rooms charge a greatly reduced rake.

However, the rake can still take a significant chunk of your bankroll over time. That is why serious poker players look for any type of rakeback deal they can get from the best online poker sites.

What is rake back

There is an old saying that “Nothing is free” and that includes playing online poker. In online poker, most players only think about how much money they have to deposit when considering the costs. There is also a hidden amount called “Rake” & every Professional Poker Player want “RakeBack”.

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Written by Sugam


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